Events and Updates

At Destitute Home, we believe in creating lasting memories for our children and providing them with enriching experiences. From celebrating important holidays to hosting educational activities, our events are a vital part of our mission.

Upcoming Events.
  • Foundation Day Celebration (November 26, 2024): Join us for our 6th Foundation Day as we celebrate the growth and success of Destitute Home.
  • Christmas Fundraiser (December 20, 2024): This holiday season, we are hosting a fundraiser to gather toys, clothes, and donations for the children. Help us make this Christmas one to remember!
Recent Events.
  • Yearly Sales Day (October 7, 2023): Our annual sales day was a huge success! We sold homemade goods including pickles, cakes, and hand-made crafts. The funds raised will go directly toward the children's education and daily needs.
  • Independence Day Celebration (August 15, 2023): Our children participated in the local Independence Day celebrations, performing a cultural dance and sharing in the joy of the festivities. They performed along with the Adolescent girls club, Nagaland.
  • World Sunday School Day (November 15, 2023): Four of our children were recognized for their consistent attendance and dedication in Sunday School. This achievement is a testament to their hard work and spiritual growth.